1–2 Mar 2025 173 days to go! #nationalequineshow Tickets

Josh Hill

Horse and hound inspiration of the year 2023 finalist, Josh Hill made his presence in the equestrian industry as a former dressage star but found his place in the industry being a role model for thousands of young male riders by passionately creating a social media platform to promote possitive change throughout the equestrian industry with having the presence to speak up on mental health giving true support to all in theĀ  equestrian industry.

Josh co founded half step as a clothing brand dedicated to fulfilling all male riders needs but half step has grown to become way more than that, a thriving community like no other. Horse Monkey Moscars best supporting act award 2023, Rein it in with Ash and Josh is a podcast that has initiated the change and development of the equestrian community creating a safe environment for equestrians to come on and share their experiences, to tell their story with no limitations. Allowing listeners to get real insight and share heart felt experiences as a community.