28 Feb–1 Mar 2026 339 days to go! #nationalequineshow

Joanne Bean

Hi, my name is Jo. I come from a family that has no history in horses at all. Since i was very young always wanted to have a horse and carriage and learn to drive. In my mid twenties a Dales x pony called Sally found me and came to live with me, she taught me all i know about carriage driving and its grown from there. I have since become the owner of three Dales ponies and have so far produced two of them for carriage driving. The latest one is next to be introduced.
We successfully completed in private driving for over 13 yrs, having taken a break my intention is to now compete in exercise classes from 2024 onwards and work towards producing two of my ponies to work as a pair in carriage driving.
I think i would be a good ambassador as my interest is in a minority sport that is becoming more and more popular as people decide to keep the “children’s pony” and drive themselves so giving them a new job instead of been passed on.