1–2 Mar 2025 174 days to go! #nationalequineshow Tickets

About the Organisers


Raccoon Media Group is an exciting and dynamic UK events business run by a group of exhibition and digital marketing experts. Over the last 13 years we’ve worked for most of the major event organisers and we’ve run hundreds of exhibitions and conferences in key locations all over the world.

We set up Raccoon Media Group  because we wanted to create exhibitions that offer something new and different in special markets that we understand and that we love. We believe that great events are about community, fun, innovation and excitement and we are committed to offering the equine community you that with The National Equine Show.

We run the incredibly successful Running Show UK and USA, The National Snow Show, The National Outdoor Expo and The National Cycle Show.

The National Equine Show is built on 3 strategic pillars:


  • A range of products and brands for consumers to purchase to suit all budgets and disciplines
  • A very clear marketing message that the show exists as an immersive retail experience


  • We have priced the tickets & built the event’s budget to not be reliant on ticket revenue, this means we are able to offer a high volume of complimentary tickets to lower & remove barriers to entry
  • The show is located in Birmingham making it more accessible for more of the UK’s population

Education / Inspiration

  • Attendees discover all the latest brands & products
  • We promote the array of benefits within the equine world, at any level, has to offer
  • Becoming a better rider, in whatever way ‘better’ means to each of our visitors. 
  • Working with the brands that work with us, we broadcast athletes stories and inspirational content to motivate our visitors


One of our main corporate responsibility goals is to support British businesses and create the most sustainable event possible.

We will aim to use local suppliers where ever possible and partner with British businesses for all of show build, printing requirements, and in conjunction with the venue we will ensure food and beverages will be locally sourced.

Environmental, Social and Governance

As a business Raccoon Media Group is aiming to be net zero by 2025 and our goal is to continually measure and reduce our environmental impact with everything that we do. We are committed to:

  • Challenging all contractors to be more sustainable and actively de-selecting companies that are not making efforts in this area
  • Working with exhibitors to ensure their environmental impact is managed and limited
  • Working with visitors to ensure that their environmental impact is managed and limited
  • Ensuring our own business activities are delivered with the minimum environmental impact
  • Delivering an offsetting programme focused on carbon removal by 2025

We are a small business with good intentions and we believe that we can deliver net zero by 2025. See https://raccoonmediagroup.com/sustainability-policy for further information on our latest sustainability initiatives and progress.